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“GAME”是“游戲”,這個小學(xué)生都知道,。但你還知道更多有關(guān)“GAME”的有趣表達嗎,? 你所不知道的game I am game 相當(dāng)于”I‘d like to�,!埃ㄎ覙芬�,;我也想) -I want to go shopping tonight。 Would you like to go with me,? -Yes,, I am game。 -今晚我想去逛街,,要一起去嗎,? -好啊,我也想去,。 play the game 按照規(guī)則辦事,,引申為辦事公道 He is an honest man and he has always played the game。 他為人老實,,從來都是規(guī)規(guī)矩矩辦事,。 give the game away “give away”本身有“泄露”的意思;”game“有”花招“的意思,。結(jié)合起來即”露馬腳“,、”泄露秘密“ She gave the game away by laughing。 她一笑就露餡,。 what‘s the game,? 常用于口語中,相當(dāng)于”what‘s going on,?“(發(fā)生什么事了,?) What‘s the game? Why is everybody looking at me like that,? 怎么了,?為什么所有人那樣看著我? what‘s your game,? 常用于口語中,,相當(dāng)于”what are you doing?“(你在干什么,?) What‘s your game,? What are you doing in my office? 你在干什么,? 你在我辦公室干什么,? so that‘s your game I see, so that‘s your game: you irritated your mother deliberately,。 明白了,,這就是是你的鬼把戲: 你故意氣你母親。 the game is up 一切被敗露,,一切都完了 The game is up,。 The plan is forced to abort。 被敗露了,,計劃不得不中止,。 fly at a higher game 飛向更高的目標 If we want to go further, we need to fly at a higher game,。 如果我們想走得更遠,,我們需要向更高的目標努力前進。(微英語) |